Upgrading VisNetic MailFlow
Friday, February 1, 2013
In preparation for the release of VisNetic MailFlow 5, and to help ensure a smooth upgrade, follow these best practices.
VisNetic MailFlow 5.0 is a significant milestone for Deerfield Communications, introducing many new features and capabilities. For many, the road to MailFlow 5 will begin by upgrading existing VisNetic MailFlow environments. Fortunately, included with the many new features of MailFlow 5 is a simple upgrade path that makes it easy to upgrade from previous MailFlow versions to MailFlow 5. This article provides instructions to help ensure a smooth and seamless upgrade.
Software Maintenance
All VisNetic MailFlow customers with current Maintenance Subscriptions are entitled to upgrade to version 5.0 at no extra charge.
VisNetic MailFlow customers whose Maintenance Subscription (Upgrade Insurance) has lapsed will be required to renew their Maintenance prior to upgrading.
Not sure of your Maintenance Status? This is easily determined by logging into MailFlow and going to Administration / General Configuration / Registration. Your Expire date will be displayed.
Follow the link to renew or contact Deerfield for assistance.
1. Log into MailFlow as an Admin and disable all Message Sources and Message Destinations.
2. Perform a full SQL backup of the MailFlow DB from the SQL Management Console. (Do not use the integrated MailFlow backup for this step)
3. Backup the \InboundAttach, \OutboundAttach, \NoteAttach, \Bin and \wwwroot folders.
4. Export the MailFlow registry (HKLM\Software\Deerfield.com\VisNetic MailFlow)
Note: 64 bit OS (HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Deerfield.com\VisNetic MailFlow)
5. Download and execute the MailFlow installation setup file.
6. Log into MailFlow and verify data consistency.
7. Once data is verified, enable the Message Sources and Message Destinations.
Note: The in-place upgrade simply replaces files and upgrades the MailFlow database. The backups and exports are needed only if the upgrade does not complete as expected.
If Moving MailFlow To Another Server
An important factor when moving MailFlow from one server to another is that you make the same drive letter references that MailFlow is presently using available. So if MailFlow is presently installed to D:\MailFlow and the attachments are stored at F:\MailFlow the new server should have an D: and F: drive. The new installation could be done to different drive structures but it unnecessarily complicates the process and introduces potential issues.
1. Log into MailFlow as an Admin and disable all Message Sources and Message Destinations.
2. Perform a full SQL backup of the MailFlow DB from the SQL Management Console.
3. Backup the \InboundAttach, \OutboundAttach, \Backup and \Archive folders.
4. Backup the MailFlow registry (HKLM\Software\Deerfield.com\VisNetic MailFlow).
5. Do an in place upgrade from v4.9.2.2 to v5.0.0.0 (coming soon).
Note: The in place upgrade simply replaces files and upgrades the MailFlow database.
Once the upgrade completes, log into MailFlow and verify data consistency (Tickets, InboundMessages, Attachments, etc.).
Once data consistency is verified, it's time to migrate.
6. Stop the MailFlow Engine Service and set to disabled.
7. Perform a full SQL backup of the MailFlow database from the SQL Management Console.
8. Install v5.0 on the new server where the installer will create a new MailFlow db (make sure to install to the same drive and directory structure as the existing server).
Note: During the install skip the step that asks if you want to configure MailFlow now (say no).
9. Following the install on the new server, log in and verify you can navigate within the system.
10. Stop the VisNetic MailFlow Engine and WWW publishing services.
11. Restore the SQL backup made in step 7 on the new database server.
12. Copy the \InboundAttach, \OutboundAttach, \Backup and \Archive folders backed up in step 3 to the new server to the same directory structure.
13. Start the VisNetic MailFlow Engine and WWW Processing services on the new server.
14. Log into MailFlow and verify data consistency.
15. Once data is verified, enable the Message Sources and Message Destinations.
Note: Depending on your mail server configuration you may need to allow the new MailFlow server access through firewall's or as a trusted host, etc.
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