A "Crash Course" on Customer Service

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The 10 most important words:
"I apologize for our mistake. Let me make it right."

The 9 most important words:
"Thank you for your business. Please come back again."

The 8 most important words:
"I'm not sure, but I will find out."

The 7 most important words:
"What else can I do for you?"

The 6 most important words:
"What is most convenient for you?"

The 5 most important words:
"How may I serve you?"

The 4 most important words:
"How did we do?"

The 3 most important words:
"Glad you're here!"

The 2 most important words:
"Thank you."

The MOST important word:

Remember: You'll never be able to satisfy EVERY need and request. But if customers perceive that an honest effort is being made on their behalf, you'll please most of the people most of the time.

VisNetic MailFlow provides a strong foundation for managing organizational email correspondence, improving service potential where it matters most -- at the point of customer contact.  The system provides:

- Powerful email routing and workflow processing
- Centralized library of standard responses
- Automatic generation and tracking of service incidents
- Comprehensive reporting and analysis
- Access to customer communications history
- An intuitive, familiar web-based interface
- Security provisions
- Integrated logging, alerting, and reporting

Register for a no-obligation online VisNetic MailFlow demonstration. Register

Contact us to learn more.

MailFlow Keyboard Shortcuts

Thursday, May 24, 2012

VisNetic MailFlow supports the use of Keyboard Shortcuts within designated Ticket and Message lists and within message edit dialogs.

 Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of two or more keys that, when pressed, can be used to perform a task that would typically require a mouse.  Keyboard shortcuts can make it easier to interact with your computer, saving you time and effort as you work with VisNetic MailFlow.

Ticket List Shortcuts
The following shortcut keys can be utilized in Ticket List dialogs such as My Tickets, TicketBoxes and Ticket Search results.

Key Combination       Action
Alt + C                       Open Contact Dialog
Alt + G                       Get Oldest Ticket
Alt + N                       Open Notes Dialog
Alt + O                       Take Ownership of Ticket
Alt + P                        Show Ticket Properties
Alt + R                        Reassign Ticket
Alt + F1                       Display Help
Alt + F5                       Refresh Page
Ctrl + A                       Select All
Ctrl + M                       New Message for selected Ticket
Ctrl + T                        New Ticket with Message
Ctrl + N                        New Ticket with Note
Ctrl + R                        Restote Ticket (Search results only)
Ctrl + D                        Delete selected Ticket(s)
Spacebar                     Toggle Ticket Open/Close
Home                           Move to Top of List
End                              Move to End of List
Right Arrow                 Open Ticket
Left Arrow                   Close Ticket
Down Arrow                Move down List
Up Arrow                     Move up List

The following shortcut keys can be utilized when a Ticket is toggled open and a single message is selected.

Key Combination           Action
Alt + C                           Open Contact Dialog
Ctrl + P                           Print Message
Ctrl + L                           Reply to All
Ctrl + F                           Forward Message
Ctrl + O                           Open Message in new Window
Ctrl + R                           Reply to Message
Ctrl + D                           Delete Message
Ctrl + Q                           Mark Message as Read
Ctrl + U                           Mark Message as Unread
Ctrl + V                           Move Message
Enter                               Open Message in new Window
Home                              Move to Top of List
End                                 Move to End of List
Down Arrow                   Move down List
Up Arrow                        Move up List

Message List Shortcuts
The following shortcut keys can be utilized in message list dialogs such as Sent Items, Drafts and Outbox.

Key Combination            Action
Alt + C                            Open Contact Dialog
Alt + R                            Revoke Message (Outbox only)
Ctrl + T                           New Ticket with Message
Ctrl + N                           New Ticket with Note
Ctrl + P                           Print Message
Ctrl + R                          Reply to Message
Ctrl + L                           Reply to All
Ctrl + F                           Forward Message
Ctrl + D                           Delete Message (Drafts only)

Message Composition Shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcut keys can be utilized in message composition dialogs such as New Message, Reply, Forward, etc.

Key Combination              Action
Esc                                   Close Window
Alt + A                             Select Attachment Tab
Alt + C                             Open Contact Dialog
Alt + P                              Select Compose Tab
Ctrl + P                             Print Message
Ctrl + Q                            Close Window
Ctrl + S                             Save Message as Draft
F7                                     Spellcheck Message

Note: All key combinations are case insensitive.